Sunday, December 17, 2006


Meet Little Nicky the cloned cat

A woman in the US has paid $50,000 (£26,000) for Little Nicky, the first ever cat cloned to be someone's pet.
He looks just like any other nine-week old kitten, but Little Nicky was created from the DNA of another much-loved pet, also called Nicky.
The original cat died last year aged 17 and his owner Julie decided she'd rather have a clone than a new one.
Julie says the new Nicky is just like the old one, both in the way he looks and his personality.
Click here to find out more about cloning
But some animal groups really aren't happy with Julie's decison to clone her cat, so much so that she doesn't want to be fully identified.

Would you clone your pet?
One expert said that for the amount of money Julie spent she could have given homes to lots of strays.
The company that made the cat, Genetic Savings and Clone, says it has orders for five more cats and plans to clone a dog too before the end of the year.
Scientists are also worried that cloned animals suffer more health problems than traditionally bred animals.

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